combat n. 1.格斗,搏斗;战斗。 2.论战。 3.〔美国〕竞赛,比赛。 a single combat(一对一的)格斗。 air combat空战。 vi. (-t(t)-) 打,战斗;(和…)斗争 (with; against); (为…)奋斗 (for)。 vt. 反对(不良现象等);防止。 combat forest fires 防止林火。
ship n. 1.船;大船;海船;舰〔作阴性看,代名词用 she, her〕。 2.三桅船;全装帆船。 3.船形物。 4.〔俚语〕赛艇。 5.〔美国〕飞船;飞机。 6.全体船员。 His Majesty's ship 〔英国〕军舰。 a capital ship 主力舰。 a ship's company 全体船员。 a ship's husband (在岸上代表船方处理事务的)船舶代理人。 a ship's lawyer 〔美国〕次等律师。 ship's papers 船证;船照。 a space ship 太空船。 burn one's ship 破釜沉舟。 clear a ship 卸货。 gauge a ship 量船的吃水量。 go on board a ship 乘船。 heave a ship to 【航海】停船。 jump ship 1. 弃船潜逃。 2. 背弃;潜逃。 launch a ship 使船下水。 on board a ship 在船上;在[往]船内。 lose [spoil] the ship for a ha'p'orth (=halfpennyworth) of tar 因小失大。 speak a ship 【航海】给别的船打招呼[发信号]。 take ship 〔古语〕乘船;搭船。 when one's ship comes home 如果变成富翁;如果有了钱;当某人时来运转;当某人发财时。 wind a ship 【航海】掉转船头。 vt. (-pp-) 1.装上船;用船运;装货;卸货;(用船、铁路、马车等)装运;运送;送。 2.雇(水手)。 3.装上;安上(船具)。 4.〔口语〕解雇;赶走;撵走;摆脱。 5.(自船舷侧)灌进(海水)。 6. 〔口语〕推出(新产品等)。 vi. 1.上船;乘船。 2.在船上工作;做水手[水兵]。 ship as bo'sun 做水手长。 ship a sea [water] 冒着波浪,波浪打上甲板。 ship oars 把桨安在桨架上。 ship off 送往;遣送。 ship out 1. 坐船到国外去。 2. 送(某人上船)到海外去。 ship over 〔美国〕重新再进海军服役。
The only exception may be china ' s surface combat ships 可能唯一的例外是中国的水面舰艇。
The specification of threat judgement software module for naval surface combat ship command and control system 水面舰艇指控系统.威胁判断软件模块规范
Other ships in which traffic will be limited ( civilian ships , combat ships ) should use the low traffic table 其他船内的交通是有限的(民船,战舰)应该用低交通流量表。
These massive , heavily armored combat ships are virtual flying fortresses , built to keep the peace and dominate the space lanes of the koprulu sector 这些庞大的重装战舰实际上都是空中堡垒,它们本被建来维护克鲁普星区的和平并控制其主要的星际航线。
Combat ships will have a low to high maneuverability , high offense / defense , a low to average amount of cargo space and high maintenance / crew 战船的可操作性或低或高或一般,根据大小种类而定,高攻/高防,一个低于一般容量的货物空间,较高的维护费用以及较高数量的乘员。
Industrial ships should have a lower amount of garages compared to civilian / combat ships ; for those , use the low - traffic table and reduce the garage count by at least a factor of 2 工业船的机库数量应低于民船和战斗船;为了实现这些,使用低交通流量表和减少机库数量,至少是2的因数。
To prevent marine pollution resulting from ship and port discharge , in addition to the formulation of the crash program to combat ships ' oil pollution , oil - water separators have been installed aboard ships of all types in accordance with relevant stipulations , and oil - polluted water treatment equipment , including emergency treatment equipment , has been installed at all sea ports 为防止船舶和港口污染海洋,各类船舶均按规定装备了油水分离装置,编制了《船上油污应急计划》 ,港口普遍建设了含油污水接收处理设施和应急器材
a government ship that is available for waging war 同义词:warship, war vessel,